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ADB LOAN-2761 BAN: Consultancy Services for Independent 3rd Party Supervision and Quality Assurance of Civil Works under PEDP3


Directorate of Primary Education (DPE), MoPME

March, 2015 - February, 2017

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Asian Development Bank (ADB)


Description of Project: The main objective of the project is The DPE needs support and assistance of an engineering firm with expertise in monitoring and supervision of construction, extension, renovation and maintenance works of schools and office buildings including electrical works, installation of tube wells and sanitation works. The main objective of consulting service of the firm is to assist the DPE in independent monitoring and supervision of the works contracted by the LGED and DPHE with a view of ensuring proper quality of the works executed under the Program. Organization Works Responsibility of DPE is the client of the works to be undertaken by the Firm. The firm would coordinate their field supervision and monitoring of the works from the site offices.

Description of actual services provided by DPDS in the assignment:

The firm coordinated their field supervision and monitoring of the works from their site offices. The final selection of the sites and the number of institutions were visited by the DPE and the firm mentioned in Re-construction of 2709 Government Primary Schools (GPS), Registered Non-Government Primary Schools (RNGPS) and Community Schools (CS) all over the country; Construction of 31,685 additional Classrooms in GPS, RNGPS and CS; Construction of Divisional Office-rest house; Extension and Renovation of Divisional offices-7, District Primary Education Offices-64, and Upazila Education offices (UEOs)- 503; Renovation of existing Primary Teachers Training Institutions (PTI); Construction of New Upazila Resource Centers (URCs)-30 located at Upazila Head Quarters; Extension and renovation of National Academy for Primary Education (NAPE); Supply of furniture of schools and Major and minor repair works of schools; and 5% of the infrastructures mentioned in Installation of tube wells- 31000; and Construction of Toilets/Wash Blocks – 150000. The detailed field visit plans indicating time, date and locations were discussed and agreed with DPE. Confirmation of the site visits by the site engineers were submitted to DPE with endorsement from LGED Upazila Engineers/ DPHE Sub-Divisional Engineers (SDEs), Upazila Education Officers (UEOs) and School Management Committees (SMCs). The Divisional Engineers worked closely and coordinated their supervision and monitoring activities with District Primary Education Officers (DPEOs). The Site Engineers worked closely and coordinated their supervision and monitoring activities with the Upazila Engineers/ SDEs, UEOs and SMC.