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IDA Credit No. 5265-BD: Services Provider for the distribution of Hose Hold Silos and Related Services under Modern Food Storage Facilities Project (MFSP)


Directorate General of Food

July, 2016 - June, 2020

The World Bank

The World Bank


Description of Project: The World Bank is providing LDA financing for the implementation of MFSP comprising of 3 main components of which the sub-component A2 supports to provide household storage facilities (Household silos) particularly in the various upazilas of 19 disaster-prone districts for about 500,000 households. Thus, the MFSP is looking for a Service Provider to carry out the distribution works of those House Hold Silos and related service in the selected areas. (a) Assist the Government of Bangladesh in distributing household silos to selected households in disaster prone areas of Bangladesh.

Description of actual services provided by DPDS in the assignment:

Conducted market assessment in the disaster-prone areas designated by the PMU in order to determine the appropriate level of beneficiaries’ contribution taking into consideration their financial means, willingness to pay, and the price of comparable products on the market. Conducted sensitization campaigns in project areas about: (a) the usefulness of the household silos for emergency seeds and grain storage; (b) compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of the various containers currently available on the market (used chemical storage drums, inferior lid closure, non-food grade plastics, etc). Prepared a beneficiary database in consulting with the Local elected representative, community leaders and elites. Conducted TOT of the selected officials from DAE, Upazila Food Officials and Field Organizer engaged by the selected Firm or NGO. Conducted training to the beneficiaries on proper handling to maintain the water-proof features of the House Hold Silos and safe seed & grain preservation; Arranged the logistics needed for the distribution of the House Hold Silos from the storage of Upazila Food Godown to the beneficiaries. Distributed House Hold Silos to the selected beneficiaries and collecting the beneficiaries co-pay and deposited the same to the project account through Electronic Fund Transfer. Monitoring the use of the House Hold Silos by beneficiaries, as well as reporting on the technical condition of the bins in order to draw lessons for enhancements in future design as needed.