Description of Project: Find out the current status of classroom teaching, school management, and environment in/ outside the primary schools by questionnaire and taking video record. Follow up to get the information from UEO about the current number of primary schools and teachers of upazilas around PTI training center to gain primary school mapping for selecting target cluster; the request letter is sent by the project in advance. The current status of PTI activities as well as primary schools, comparing the group with and without study workshop (SW) activities by the project, and comparing the regional difference between urban and rural area. Find out the opinions of the PTI superintendent, instructors, trainee (prospective teacher). Opinions of the primary schools’ performance such as students’ academic achievement (test), teaching issues, and school statistics (such as promotion rate, attendance rate), interview to head teachers, teachers, and students. The profiles and data of Head teachers, teachers and students from 500 selected primary schools all over Bangladesh from 10 regions under the each PTI. Find out the profiles and data of AUEOs and URC instructors in the selected upazilla.
Description of actual services provided by DPDS in the assignment:
DPDS undertook the feasibility study on basis of process monitoring of present system to find out the future need. This study helped to find out the way of strengthening the system of teaching practice. Primary data collection, organize workshop, monitoring report preparation was the primary issue of fulfillment of the project requirement.