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Overseas Study Tour Program of “Twining Arrangement” under Secondary Education Sector Development Project (SESDP)


Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education (DSHE), Ministry of Education

November, 2008 – September, 2012

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Asian Development Bank (ADB)


Description of Project: The specific objectives of the project are: (i) to improve the efficiency by strengthening the management, accountability and transference system at all levels and in every sphere of activity in secondary education; (ii) to enhance the quality of secondary education by improving the curriculum, student assessment and school performance; and (iii) to improve the equity of access to secondary education by improving the infrastructure, supporting the delivery system of secondary education and providing support to the poor students.

Description of actual services provided by DPDS in the assignment:

The ACCC-DPDS implemented twining arrangement overseas study tour program to Canada under SESDP. The objective of the Study Tour and training program was capacity building for organizations involved in the SESDP project implementation. The purposes of the study tour were threefold: i) to provide participants with an overview and understanding of secondary education institutions, and roles and work practices of District School Boards in Canada; ii) to provide participants with a forum to meet with their counterparts in Canada; and iii) to discuss possibilities of twinning and networking arrangements with the selected District School Boards to establish and foster professional links between the MOE/DSHE and selected district school boards and schools in Canada. Following task performed by ACCC-DPDS: i) Obtain from the Project Director, SESDP the requirements of services well in time and prepare the Selection Plans and processing schedules in consultation with the Project Director; II) Contact and make tentative arrangement for overseas study tour with District School Board in Canada iii) Prepare proposals for each package of twining arrangement study tour and submit the same to the Project Director, SESDP for final selection; iv) Organize field oriented and class room based programs as deemed appropriate and coordinate the visit; v) Organized travel visa; vi) Organized air-tickets and confirm flights, departure and arrival; v) Provide DSA (per diem) and allowances for out-of-pocket expenses to the participants at standard rates, not below the government rate, before departure from the country; vi) Organize suitable accommodation; vii) Provide airport reception and transfer; viii) Provide land transport to and from program venue; ix) Offer a full time guide / welfare person during the entire period of overseas stay; x) Monitor the study tour and follow-up with the institutions / organizations abroad on progress of assignment on behalf of the Project Director and attend to matters during the continuation of the tour on his behalf; xi) Provide a report on the overseas program; xii) Submit payment statements from participants and copies of air tickets and boarding passes.