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Overseas Study Tour Program on Planning and Implementation of Disaster Management Activities and Training on Monitoring and Evaluation of Development Project Activities under Emergency 2007 Cyclone Recovery and Restoration Project (ECRRP)


Planning Commission, Ministry of Planning Education

January, 2012 – February, 2012

The World Bank (WB)

The World Bank (WB)

Indonesia & Philippines

Description of Project: In the aftermath of Cyclone Sidr 2007, the Government of Bangladesh, together with international experts from various international, multi-lateral and bi-lateral development partners, undertook a comprehensive damage and loss and needs assessment to ascertain the extent of the damage caused by the storm, and to define a comprehensive and feasible recovery plan. The joint damage, loss and needs assessment (JDNLA) estimated the total damage and losses to be Bangladesh Taka 115.6 billion equivalent to US$ 1.7 billion. On the basis of findings and recommendations of the JDLNA, the Emergency 2007 Cyclone Recovery and Restoration Project (ECRRP) were designed.

In order to improve the capacity of the Govt. Officials there are some provision for local and foreign training in the project. With this view Govt. of Bangladesh issued a government order for the following officials to undertake a visit in Philippine to get the experience of Philippine’s Disaster management system.

Identification and use of policies, techniques and interventions that have worked and to spread their application; Collaboration that strengthens the utilization of project benefits; Broadening of horizons by understanding current and emerging reform gains in disaster management in other countries; Relationship-building by having a partner to turn to or when opportunities arise to work together; Networking; and Solidarity by having a sense of belonging to a larger disaster management community. This approach will also contribute towards building capacity to ensure the following five pillars of the Disaster Risk Management Framework can be implemented.

Description of actual services provided by DPDS in the assignment:

Institutional development and capacity building was one of the component of ECRRP project. Under this component there were provision to conduct study visit and training program to learn lessons from other countries about cyclone recovery and restoration program. To full fill the above objective, we visited disaster management activities in Indonesia during 18-27February 2012.

The purposes of the study tour were threefold: to provide participants with an overview and understanding of disaster management activities in Indonesia, roles and work practices of different disaster management institutes in Indonesia and to discuss possibilities of networking arrangements with the selected institutes and foster professional links between the PCMU/ECRRP and selected disaster management institutes in that respective countries. Following task performed by SMEC-DPDS: i) Obtain from the Project Director, ECRRP the requirements of services well in time and prepare the Selection Plans and processing schedules in consultation with the Project Director; II) Contact and make tentative arrangement for overseas study tour with respective institutes in Indonesia iii) Prepare proposals for each package of study tour and submit the same to the Project Director, ECRRP for final selection; iv) Organize field oriented and class room based programs as deemed appropriate and coordinate the visit; v) Organized travel visa; vi) Organized air-tickets and confirm flights, departure and arrival; v) Provide DSA (per diem) and allowances for out-of-pocket expenses to the participants at standard rates, not below the government rate, before departure from the country; vi) Organize suitable accommodation; vii) Provide airport reception and transfer; viii) Provide land transport to and from program venue; ix) Offer a full time guide / welfare person during the entire period of overseas stay; x) Monitor the study tour and follow-up with the institutions / organizations abroad on progress of assignment on behalf of the Project Director and attend to matters during the continuation of the tour on his behalf; xi) Provide a report on the overseas program; xii) Submit payment statements from participants and copies of air tickets and boarding passes.

Total quality control in the management and tried to link it with the disaster management. Visited the Office of the Civil Defense and National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) to share our views and experiences with them ‘Quality Tools in Management’ with emphasis on project management. Matrix diagram, which is a planning tool that helped organize large groups of tasks and responsibilities. It matched tasks with the individuals, departments, or functions to complete them and shows a relationship between a task and the responsible person, department or function rating the strength of the relationship. It also assigned accountability and planned actions; Cause and effect diagram, which is an analysis tool used to categorize many potential causes of a problem or issue in an orderly way, analyze what is really happening in a process, and teaches teams and individuals about current or new processes and procedures.