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World Bank Loan 5561 BD – Monitoring and Evaluation Consultancy Services under Multipurpose Disaster Shelter Project (MDSP)


Local Government Engineering Department (LGED)

September, 2016 - December, 2023 (Ongoing)

The World Bank

The World Bank


Narrative description of Project: The Multipurpose Disaster Shelters Project (MDSP) is a large-scale, disaster risk mitigation infrastructure project that strengthens emergency preparedness and will significantly reduce vulnerability to climate change and natural disasters. This builds on initial phases of interventions in multipurpose disaster shelters advanced under ECRRP, which is considered the first phase of investments. The project is expected to have an impact on long-term disaster resiliency in Bangladesh, focused particularly on the coastal region. MDSP would focus on meting these high priority needs by providing construction of 552 new shelters and the improvement of 450 existing shelters. The project will also ivest in connecting roads and communication networks to shelters, increasing accessibility and effectiveness. It is expected that by safeguarding lives and assists the project will contribute to goals of continued growth and shared prosperity.  

Description of actual services provided in the assignment: Create a comprehensive M&E framework for MDSP; Develop baselines for the key project indicators for tracking project inputs, outputs and outcomes; Track key indicators during project implementation; Carry out process monitoring of the project; Integrate the ICT monitoring tool to be designed by the project Design and Supervision Consultants in capturing project implementation status as in input into the M&E framework for MDSP; Recommend appropriate corrective actions and recommendations; Supervise the implementation of the environmental and social safeguards requirements (including quality control oversight of safeguards documentation prepared by the Design and Supervision Consultants); Prepare and submit consolidated semi-annual and annual progress reports to the PMU; Prepare Mid Term Review report for MDSP; Prepare inputs for the Project Completion Report and Implementation Completion Report (ICR); and Prepare inputs, as needed, to be incorporated into the ICT database.