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Contract agreement signing ceremony today on 18th December 2023 at Chief Engineer Office, LGED Head Office, Agargaon, Dhaka

Development Project Design and Services Ltd. (DPDS) contract agreement signing ceremony today on 18th December 2023 at Chief Engineer Office, LGED Head Office, Agargaon, Dhaka. This Contract for Consultancy Services of Independent Verification Agency (IVA) under Improving Urban Governance and Infrastructure Project (IUGIP) between Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) (Package No.: IUGIP/IVDLI/03/2022) Funded by Asian Development Bank (ADB);

The project is to promote sustainable human development, economic growth and poverty reduction by improving urban governance, developing urban infrastructure and services, enhancing municipal management and strengthening capacity to deliver municipal services (especially to the poor) in about 88 target Prourashavas of Bangladesh. To achieve these objectives, the project will assist the selected Pourashavas to:

• Improve urban governance by implementing a set of projects;

• Increase transparency and accountability of Pourashavas towards their citizens;

• Provide improved physical infrastructure and urban services;

• Enhance capacities of Pourashava to implement, operate, manage and maintain basic urban services;

• Provide capacity building support to the elected representatives, citizens representatives and officials regarding governance improvement and infrastructure developments;

• Make contribution towards future sustainability of governance improvement and infrastructure development activities;

Development Project Design and Services Ltd. (DPDS) is a ISO 9001:2015 certified leading consulting firm of Bangladesh providing service in multiple disciplines areas since 1998. It aims to work as an international consultant concerned with socio-economic and engineering development issues. DPDS is committed to socio-economic and engineering development through research, training, and consultancy services. DPDS is one of the oldest and largest consulting organization/ practices operating for the last 24+ years. During this period, DPDS had the opportunity to implement more than 50 projects in multi-sectoral disciplines. It should be noted that in the past DPDS worked and gained experience in all major development sectors in Bangladesh, Nepal, Afghanistan, and in the region.